The Bucatini
Hi! I'm Ryan, a 16 year old high school student, and I'm here to send you a free box of pasta!
Bow-tie pasta
Pasta dinners are warm, comforting, and delicious! Dare I say the happiest fixture of life in our strange modern age.
Home cooked pasta meals with my mom, dad, and brother provide a radiant hope — a reminder of the normalcy that once was, a symbol of warmth and love, and a grounding in these otherwise trying times. (All that from pasta... But it's true!)
Hand holding a heart




Positivity Pasta

❤️ How has your life been brightened by pasta in the last year? Share below!

I know there are many other kitchens like my own, where pasta meals mean love, warmth, and togetherness.

The goal of this project is to spread that spirit of joy, of optimism, of comfort through the universal common ground that is pasta!

(And if you don't know what you're going to have for dinner, well, you know my suggestion...)

Random assorted pastas
Thanks to the generous support of the Barilla Group (thank you guys so, so much!), fill out the form below for a box of bucatini pasta (free of charge) to enjoy and cheer up your day! While supplies lasts, one per household.

Bucatini boy I'm not saying this *isn't* the cause of the great bucatini shortage of 2020, but...
How has your life has been brightened by pasta in the past year?
Full Name
Pastal Postal Code
Envelopes with ravioli stamps
Positivity Pasta